10 Types of diet you should know
Let’s start with a more or less obnoxious truth about diets : On one hand, most of them were effective, but on the other hand, a large part of them failed. A person could spend years trying several diets , following different tips and ideas, but they will end up at square one.
Why? Because when we go on a diet , our goal is either to lose weight or to adopt healthier eating habits. If we do it right we will certainly be successful no matter what type we choose to follow.
What is a diet?

In nutrition, diet refers to the foods and beverages that we often eat. In the case of specific treatments to cure particular diseases, it can be controlled to meet the individual’s physical needs. For example, diabetic patients diet may be limited to choosing foods and beverages that help regulate blood sugar levels. The recommended one for them includes a lot of fiber, non-starchy fruits and vegetables. Starchy foods are high in carbohydrates, and eating a lot of starchy foods will cause blood sugar levels to rise.
10 most popular types of diets:
Besides health reasons, diet can also vary depending on other factors, such as religious beliefs and personal preferences. Humans in general follow an omnivorous diet . However, some people tend to be selective about certain types of food. This selective eating behavior has led to different forms of dieting , which can be classified according to the type of food usually or preferentially consumed. Here are the 10 most popular types:
A compound diet:
This type is based on a selection of types and amounts of ingredients (including vitamin and mineral supplements) to be consumed. The choice of ingredients is influenced by the person themselves as well as their goals for following it.
An artificial diet:
People who adopt this type eat mostly artificial foods, that is, foods produced synthetically or artificially.
An energy diet:
Also referred to as a high protein type, its purpose is to increase the level of protein in the body as well as a person’s body weight and energy level to maintain fat stores. To increase protein and energy intake, people who follow this type consume generally specific foods during their meals or snacks, such as dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), meat, fish, chicken, etc. eggs, bread, pasta , sweets etc.
The Atkins diet:
This aims to control the level of insulin in the body through a low carbohydrate diet . If people eat large amounts of carbohydrates, their insulin levels rise rapidly. Increased insulin levels cause the body to store energy from the food that is consumed, and to use stored fat for energy.
The Zone diet:
The main goal of this type is to establish a nutritional balance of 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 30% protein in each meal. It also aims to control insulin levels which can lead to more successful weight loss. It encourages the consumption of high quality carbohydrates and fats which could be found in foods such as olive oil, avocado and nuts.
The ketogenic diet:
This one has been used for decades as a treatment for epilepsy and has been explored for other uses as well. Its goal is to reduce carbohydrate intake and increase fat intake. It seems counterintuitive, but it allows the body to burn fat rather than carbohydrates. Healthy fats, like those in avocados, coconuts, oily fish and olive oil , are a generous part of this dieting system . It breaks down fat deposits and creates substances called ketones through a process called ketosis. However, this type has risks such as ketoacidosis in people with type 1 diabetes.
The vegetarian diet:
There are different variations of this type: lacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian and semi-vegetarian. The majority of vegetarians are lacto-ovo vegetarians, that is, they do not eat foods of animal origin except eggs, dairy products and honey .
The vegan diet:
Veganism is more of a way of life and a philosophy. A vegan doesn’t eat anything that is animal-based, including eggs, dairy, and
honey. Vegans generally do not adopt veganism just for health reasons, but also for environmental, ethical and compassionate reasons. Vegans believe that modern methods of intensive farming are bad for our environment and unsustainable in the long run. If everyone ate plant-based foods, the environment would benefit, animals would suffer less, more food would be produced, and people would generally enjoy better physical and mental health, say vegans.
The raw diet:
This type involves consuming foods and drinks that are unprocessed, are completely plant-based, and ideally, organic. Raw food experts believe that at least three-quarters of a person’s food consumption should be uncooked food.
The Mediterranean diet:
It focuses in particular on the nutritional habits of the inhabitants of Crete, Greece and Italy. Today Spain, southern France and Portugal are also included, although Portugal does not touch the Mediterranean Sea. This type encourages the consumption of plant foods, fresh fruits for dessert, beans, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Cheese and yogurt are the main dairy foods. It also includes moderate amounts of fish and poultry, up to about four eggs per week, small amounts of red meat.
The benefits of diet:

Choosing a balanced, adequate and varied diet is an important step towards a happy and healthy lifestyle. Vitamins and minerals in a diet are essential for improving immunity. A healthy one can protect the human body from certain types of diseases, especially non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer and bone diseases.
Healthy eating habits can also contribute to an adequate body weight. In fact, it is a good opportunity to try different foods from different cultures, origins that are cooked in different ways. The benefits of dieting are emotional too, as variety and color are important ingredients in a balanced dieting system .
Changing your eating habits can be difficult. Nonetheless, devoting yourself to a it is essential for improving health and promoting weight loss.
It is important to avoid consuming foods high in added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat, such as fast foods and sodas. However, it can be difficult to give up these foods altogether.
Dieting for a regular period of time has several advantages. When we adopt a healthy one and combine it with a regular exercise schedule to it helps you improve your lifespan. Also, when we consume a large amount of unhealthy food, we often feel tired. This is because when we follow a diet of low-fat vegetables, fruits, meats and dairy products, your body provides essential nutrients to increase or maintain your energy level.
In addition to what we mentioned earlier, dieting can also help prevent or control various health problems, including diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression, and certain types of cancer. It also helps to significantly reduce your costs and financial expenses, and allows you to maintain a healthy ideal weight.
Maintaining stable blood sugar levels through a proper diet will help you feel better, because what you eat is able to affect the part of your brain that regulates mood, and may lower or lower your mood. increase your stress. On the other hand, vegetables and fruits are foods with a high water content, helping to hydrate the skin and maintain its hydration. They also contain antioxidants to protect your body from damage to cells, resulting in younger looking skin and fewer wrinkles.
Change is difficult. Some experts suggest making just one change each week, to give yourself time to get used to the new system. Your ultimate goal is to establish new eating habits that can be maintained for a lifetime.
So what type would you decide to establish?
To Read: Argan oil: 10 health benefits.