
+100 Medicinal plants & herbs for dummies!

The use of medicinal plants is one of the most effective and ideal methods to take care of ourselves and to accompany us in our daily lives. 

Since ancient times, medicinal plant s have been used to prevent diseases and to heal the body, and the use of these medicinal plants is far from being complicated. Many of these plants are a part of our daily life. All we need to know is the proper use of them to maximize beneficial help and traits. 

Here is a list of 126 medicinal herbs that you should absolutely know: 

medicinal plants & herbs in different jars on shelves
Shelves full of jars of different medicinal plants and herbs

Sweet gale is known for its stimulating properties, it is one of the medicinal plants generally used against addiction (tobacco etc.), also helps to maintain the stomach and support digestion. This plant also develops the resistance capacity of the body and more specifically the respiratory organs. 


Motherwort is recommended in tachycardia, because it has a sedative and soothing effect. It relieves palpitations due to stress and is also used in diarrhea and bloating.


It is one of the medicinal plants that are known for the elimination of toxins and its circulatory properties. 


The alchemilla is among the medicinal plants that are suitable for women since it fights against painful period cramps or too abundant against premenstrual syndromes or vaginal affections, it is also considered anti-diarrheal.

  • DILL: 

Dill is known as one of the herbaceous medicinal plants that grow in sunny places. Dill is used as a carminative, to expel intestinal gases and thus helps to get a flat stomach and is also a very good antispasmodic.  


Native to the eastern basin of the Mediterranean, which is known for its medicinal plants with multiple therapeutic effects. The green anise of Spain is a herbaceous plant native to the east of the Mediterranean basin. The fruit of the green aniseed of Spain is used in the digestive disorders and also allows to fight against tiredness. 

  • Shrub tree

The Arbutus is a shrub native to the Mediterranean basin. It is antioxidant, antiseptic and anticoagulant, it promotes blood circulation, but also effective for urinary disorders.


The red Sabline or Arenaria rubra is known to dissolve kidney stones. Herbalists recommend it as a diuretic, antiseptic and soothing of the urinary tract, particularly useful in cases of bladder disease and renal colic. 


Mugwort is recommended in case of female disorders during menstruation and also used during difficult digestion. 


Artichoke has a favorable influence on cholesterol levels and promotes fat metabolism and biliary function. That is why it is regularly used in case of difficult digestion and during diets. 


Ashwagandha is one of the antidepressant medicinal plants . To consume it, it must be dried and cut to consume it as a tea.


Asparagus is used as a renal, liver and bronchial drainer.


Sweet woodruff , also called sweet bedstraw, is used in kidney and liver infections and also against insomnia.


Hawthorn is known for its relaxing and soothing benefits that help rebalance sleep and can be used in cases of withdrawal. 


The Chinese badianier is a tree with white bark native to China and growing in a tropical climate. The fruit is used to relieve pain due to kidney stones and to regulate hormonal disorders in women. The fruit is also used to stimulate biliary secretion, appetite, and digestion. 


Horehound, also called Black Marrubus, is used in herbal medicine to calm anxious people with sleep disorders to better relax. It also supports the digestive function and stomach aches. 


The Great Burdock is among the medicinal plants that grow in temperate regions known by the detoxification of the body and elimination of abdominal pain. The leaves of great burdock contain inulin which helps to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol.


The oval leaves of the Basil are very appreciated in cooking but also in herbal medicine, the Basil is known by its aromatic and digestive aspects. 


The hogweed is known by its use in salad, but it also has medicinal properties. It is a plant with hypotensive, diuretic, tonic, digestive, stimulating and emmenagogic virtues.


The Boldo is an evergreen tree native to Chile and growing in a Mediterranean climate. The leaves are also recommended as a hepatic protector against toxic effects, contain alkaloid and boldine which give an antispasmodic effect.


As is the case with other medicinal plants , White Broth was widely used to fight constipation but also known for its soothing properties of the respiratory and intestinal tracts. 


Birch leaf is particularly recommended as a spring cure but also in case of water retention. It is also used as a depurative, diuretic and drainer.  


The bark of Bourdaine is used as a stimulant of the digestive organs: intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas. The active principles of the borage help to facilitate their transit to soften the consistency of stools. 


The shepherd’s purse , among the hemostatic medicinal plants which makes it possible to act positively on certain disorders of digestive and urinary circulation, is also particularly recommended for women suffering from abundant and painful rules.  


Walnut husk is used to treat infections and inflammations of the digestive tract caused by intestinal parasites. It is also used to treat skin inflammations and many skin itchiness: eczema, sunburn, minor burns, dandruff.


Heather helps to increase urinary volume and is therefore used mainly against urinary disorders and cystitis.


Bearberry is a sub-shrub with creeping underground stems. It is recommended in case of urinary infections since its leaves are antimicrobial and anti-infectious of the urinary tract. 


Black caraway is an antispasmodic for all intestinal muscles. It is known for its activation of salivary and gastric secretions and is also considered a diuretic and expectorant. 


The Cascara Sagrada is a tree native to North America, has laxative properties and is traditionally recommended in cases of occasional constipation (short duration). 


Blackcurrant is a common shrub with fragrant leaves, recommended against arthritis and rheumatism associated with pain. Blackcurrant leaves contain a large amount of flavonoids that act as anti-inflammatory and analgesic.


If you want to take advantage of the therapeutic effects of medicinal plants then this plant is an excellent choice. Catnip or Nepeta cataria is an aromatic and fluffy perennial plant native to Europe and Asia. It will be recommended in case of digestive disorders and also in winter ailments (colds, flus, …). Catnip is febrifuge, antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative, antioxidant and stimulates digestion. 


Centella Asiatica is an anti-aging plant in excellence. Just like other medicinal plants , it is mainly used in cosmetics thanks to its healing properties, as well as in the context of dermatological affections and capillary problems.


The cherry tree is a fruit tree native to Europe and South-West Asia. It contains flavonoids, which gives it diuretic and depurative effects, it is particularly recommended in case of urinary disorders and water retention.


The blessed thistle or Cnicus benedictus is part of the medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory thorny leaves very widespread in the Mediterranean region. The leaves contain cnicin, flavonoids, tannins and sesquiterpene lactones.


Milk Thistle protects and decongests the liver and is also very useful when it is necessary to stimulate the adrenal glands.


Celidonia is known for its medicinal virtues, among which is its propensity to cure various eye diseases and it is nowadays mostly used to cure warts.


One of the most common herbaceous medicinal plants , native to Europe, Asia and North Africa, recommended for digestive and urinary disorders. The chicory root contains inulin and sesquiterpene lactones which gives it cholagogue and choleretic virtues. 


Quackgrass is used as a diuretic and has a positive effect on the urinary system. It is also known for its action on the respiratory system.


Combretum (Kinkeliba) or Combretum micranthum is a shrub native to the Sahel. In phytotherapy, Combretum leaves are recommended for their positive action on the digestive and urinary tracts.


Cypress is one of the medicinal plants that come from France, it is a protector of the vascular system and a vasoconstrictor. Considered as an anti-inflammatory and astringent, it relieves people suffering from headaches, varicose veins, incontinence and prostatic syndrome and other chronic pain.


 Desmodium is ideal for cleansing and purifying the body during excessive use of alcohol, fats and drugs, it is among themedicinal plantsthat relieve hepato-biliary disorders and difficult digestion.  


Fireweed is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and soothing herb used in the treatment of prostate, gastroenteritis, diarrhea and many other pathologies. Fireweed is the subject of much scientific research.


Erysimum is known for its ability to relieve hoarseness and aphonia, as well as pain in the larynx and pharynx. It is also useful to fight against loss of voice and dryness of the throat.


The escholtzia is a fiery anesthetic par excellence. In traditional ampoule, the escholtzia is used in its sedative, anxiolytic and spasmolytic accoutrements, particularly after anxiety, insurrections of the sleep, the pains of mandible and head. 


By consuming an infusion of tarragon leaves, the person stimulates an appetite as Tarragon has the ability to relieve stomach cramps. 


Eucalyptus is a tree from Australia whose main role is to improve the respiratory system. Indeed, eucalyptus is known for its fight against inflammation of the respiratory and digestive tracts. It is therefore a very good remedy against colds, sinusitis, bronchitis …


Fennel has long been known for its many medicinal virtues. It fights against aerophagia, stomach aches and difficult digestions, but it is mainly used by women to ease menstrual cramps.


Fragon is vasculoprotective, venotonic and anti-oedematous. It is a modest pill to the venous disappearance and in case of heavy legs, cramps, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. Facilitates to its ruscogenin corpuscle limiting venous relaxation and capillary receptivity.


The raspberry leaf is one of the antispasmodic medicinal plants that facilitates hormonal balance and regularization of menstrual cycles and relieve the pain of painful periods.

  • ASH

Ash is often recommended in conjunction with a weight loss diet due to its ability to accelerate urinary elimination and phytotherapeutic action against cellulite. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory effect in cases of arthritis and rheumatism.


Fucus is one of themedicinal plantsthat are rich in iodine, vitamins and minerals. It stimulates the immune system and allows the body to prevent illnesses, which makes it very useful during a bout of fatigue or during winter.


Fumitory is a unique chloroform and liver purge, it can also be lenient and inconsiderately hypnotic if used for a long time. With regard to the bile ducts, fumitory regulates the biliary sweat during the day when it is abominable and insufficient.


The galega is part of the medicinal plants having hypoglycemic properties which mainly decreases the sugar level in the blood. But it is also recognized by its diuretic effects which prevent too much acidity of the blood. 


Chaste tree is very effective in case of menstrual pain and is thus considered as a powerful antispasmodic that regulates the female cycle and fights against premenstrual syndrome and PMS. 


Juniper is considered a universal panacea thanks to its warming properties as it is recommended to cleanse the kidneys and has diuretic virtues to relieve urinary infections and irritable bladder.


Yellow gentian contains a large amount of nutrients, such as iron and vitamin B12. For this reason, this herb is effective against stress and digestive system problems.


Geranium robert helps to relieve certain colon abnormalities and nerve pain. This plant also acts at the level of the scalp against the alterations of the epidermis.


Ginkgo has venotonic and neuroprotective effects that make it a main element in the composition of many medicines and food supplements intended to fight memory disorders and promote good blood circulation.


Marshmallow belongs to the mucilaginousmedicinal plantsfound in Europe, Asia and Africa. It is used in many therapeutic applications for respiratory ailments. 


Hamamelis hazel is a shrub native to Europe but it is also found in North America. It is one of themedicinal plantswith several vasoconstrictor and hemostatic properties recognized for treating blood circulation problems (hemorrhoids, varicose veins or heavy legs …) and skin disorders.


The bean pod has diuretic properties that help regulate blood pressure and eliminate excess water accumulation.


Devil’s claw, also known as harpagophytum , is considered one of the medicinal plants endemic to the Kalahari desert and Namibian steppes known to treat joint (osteoarthritis), muscle and tendon pain. It is also a useful ally to stimulate the appetite and facilitate digestion. 


Indigo is another name for pure black henna , which comes from the Indian indigo plant. Its leaves are used for coloring and cosmetic purposes; black henna can also be used to color hair and make it reflective; the intensity of the dye depends on the length of exposure. 


As is the norm with other medicinal plants , hibiscus is a flower with many health benefits. Hibiscus is a wonderful source of antioxidants and is used in many recipes and cosmetics to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and prevent kidney stones. 

  • HOPS

Hops has a “calming and tranquilizing impact on the neurological system”. It is used to treat uneasiness, stress, anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. 


Hyssop is a medicinal plant that helps relieve respiratory problems, lung diseases and flu symptoms. In case of digestion problems, it can be beneficial. Naturally, it is a valuable ally in the fight against the flu. 


Ispaghul can help relieve abdominal pain, bloating and slow bowel movements. Its seeds help reduce flatulence and regulate bowel movements. They can be particularly beneficial as an anti-inflammatory medication.


Lapacho, when combined with chlorella powder, is a powerful detoxifier that also helps strengthen the immune system. Its antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and antiparasitic effects are now well known.


Lavender has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It also functions as a pesticide and antivenom. Lavender essential oil is used to treat muscle cramps, rheumatism and muscle contractures. It also has antispasmodic and decongestant properties.


Climbing ivy is used to clean the respiratory tract, relieve coughs and soothe bronchial inflammation. It also helps people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.


The medicinal properties of birdsfoot trefoil are the soothing, antispasmodic and sedative qualities of these flowers. Bird’s-foot trefoil can help people fall asleep and reduce anxiety in cases of insomnia and nervous agitation.

  • CORN

Corn has three times the vitamin B content of a typical fresh vegetable. At the same time, the grain is rich in vitamin A, which helps boost the immune system, improve vision and maintain healthy gums and skin. It is a powerful antioxidant.


Marjoram is recommended for people who are nervous, have stomach problems or tremors. Marjoram warms the stomach, facilitating digestion.


Horse chestnut is a popular reference because of its veinotropic characteristics. It has many other benefits, both in terms of cosmetology and health. Edema, dark circles and rosacea are all decongesting effects. Leg cramps, heavy legs, anti-inflammatory impact Chilblains, night cramps, tonic impact, increases the resistance of blood vessels and makes them more permeable


The action of Matricaria chamomile on the neurological system is well known. The Matricaria chamomile flower indeed helps to reduce agitated conditions. It calms irritable people.


Mallow relaxes dry coughs and soothes irritated or inflamed throats. It also helps people with certain benign digestive diseases (inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa) and prevents urinary tract infections in people at risk.


Melilot calms by acting on the neurological system, affecting sleep disorders as well as nervousness and melancholy; antiseptic and urinary diuretic, effective for urinary problems; anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory.


Lemon balm helps relieve bloating and liver pain, as well as anxiety, moderate depression and high blood pressure. It has many qualities that can be used to treat skin problems, fungal infections and colds.


It has antispasmodic, anti-nausea, anti-infectious and antibacterial properties, as well as analgesic properties.  Peppermint treats digestive problems, respiratory problems, physical and mental exhaustion, as well as other pains and itches.


Yarrow can be used to treat a variety of conditions. In addition to its antispasmodic and antibacterial characteristics, it is particularly beneficial for women, as the phytosterols it contains, which have a progestational action, help regulate the menstrual cycle


Although originally considered one of the mystical medicinal plants , a “devil’s curse”, St. John’s Wort is now known for its antidepressant properties. It has been used to ward off sadness for about 2500 years. St. John’s Wort, or St. John’s Wort, is a calming plant that can help with insomnia, promote restful sleep, stop smoking and heal wounds.


NGOs have been using Moringa oleifera, often known as the tree of life, for its nutritional properties in famine relief strategies for decades. At home, only a few insiders enjoy its benefits.


The dried leaves of the Mulberry tree are very effective in preventing winter diseases, as well as dental caries, due to their antibacterial characteristics. Mulberry is particularly useful if you have diarrhea or an infection in the mouth. It regulates sebum production in dermatology.


The BLUEBERRY is a small shrub of the Ericaceae family used in Europe since the Middle Ages. Infusions are usually made with the fruits, the small dark blue berries or the leaves. The current popularity of this plant in herbal medicine comes mainly from the use of BLUEBERRY, a closely related species, in North America, especially in Canada, where they are used to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive problems. 


Nigella sativa, popularly known as black cumin, is one of the aromatic medicinal plants of the Ranunculaceae. It gets its name from its black seeds, which are edible. It is commonly used as a spice in cooking, but it also offers a number of lesser known therapeutic benefits. It removes toxins from the body, promotes cell regeneration, strengthens the immune system and kills microorganisms.


The walnut tree is a huge fruit tree native to Asia that is cultivated for both its nuts and its leaves. While the fruit attracts attention because of its many culinary applications, herbalists are interested in the leaves because of their astringent properties, especially when applied to the skin.      


The olive tree is well known for its edible oil and the use of its wood in cabinet making, but it also has medicinal properties. Among other things, it can be used to treat mild high blood pressure in a very natural way.


The sweet orange tree is one of the relaxing and anxiolytic medicinal plants when diffused, which makes it ideal for calming agitated minds and inducing sleep.


One of the herbaceous medicinal plants , oregano has antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-infectious qualities when used as an infusion or essential oil. It also helps in the treatment of respiratory disorders and cleaning of the bronchi when taken as an infusion.    

  • ORTHOSIPHON            

In case of biliary and renal insufficiency, renal or biliary stones, and bad urinary elimination, Orthosiphon is indicated. It is used to treat bacterial kidney diseases (chronic cystitis) as well as urea overload. It helps in the production of erythropoietin (EPO).


White nettle is one of the widespread herbaceous medicinal plants that can be found in meadows and woods throughout Europe and Western Asia. It does not sting, contrary to popular belief. Before being infused, the leaves can be eaten raw or dried. Its astringent, tonic, expectorant, hemostatic, vulnerable and antioxidant effects are well known.      


Stinging nettle is one of the medicinal plants with numerous benefits that affect the entire metabolism. Its leaves are diuretic and relieve joint pain, while its root is used to treat various ailments. It has a small difference with the white nettle.


It is among the medicinal plants that belong to the family of urticaceae Parietaria officinalis (Parietaria officinalis) grows quickly on dry ground or between the stones of old walls. It is also known as wall spinach and is prepared for its mineral content. It also has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, relaxing and vulnerable qualities. Therefore, it acts externally on kidney and urinary diseases, as well as on irritations and inflammations.


The partnership cures migraines, has interesting anti-inflammatory qualities against pain, and is also a digestive tonic if taken before a meal, explains Feverfew.


Passionflower is among the medicinal plants known for its calming properties, which can help with anxiety, sleep disorders, restlessness and stress. Antispasmodic, it can also help women suffering from painful periods and improve hypertension or palpitations due to excessive emotionality.


Peach is used to treat arthritis, urinary problems (gout, stones, retention), whooping cough, anxiety and insomnia, among others. It works well against parasitic infections such as pinworm infection.


Wild pansy , also known as tricolored pansy, is one of the medicinal plants that have been used since the Middle Ages to treat skin conditions. It has therapeutic qualities against itching, fever-inducing colds and throat irritations. It is also noted to have depurative, choleretic and sedative qualities.


The PERSICAIRE is a knotweed. It is particularly valued for its clinical temperaments found during ancient times. In the long run, PERSICAIRE has not lost an ounce of its status as a home remedy. Composed of Gallic corrosive, iron and essential oil, this annual plant is utilized in natural medicine. It is also exceptionally famous in cooking where it replaces pepper. The PERSICAIRE is among the medicinal plants which normally fill the soft spaces of Europe. It particularly prefers humid soils.


The leaves of the periwinkle contain vincamine, a functional substance that promotes the supply of oxygen and the flow of blood to the brain. This atom lowers the pulse (hypotensive impact) and dilates the type of veins (vasodilatory impact).


Pilosella is among themedicinal plantsknown for its ability to deplete poisons through the kidneys, increasing the volume of pee. It tends to be subordinate to weight loss and the consumption of fewer calories, like all diureticmedicinal plants, and it helps to reduce circulatory pressure.


The Scots pine is a tree with temperaments: Antiseptic and decongestant of the respiratory tract. Expectorant and mucolytic, it liquefies the airways and relieves the hack against the irresistible and antifungal.


Dandelion is valuable for liver problems, liver congestion and gallbladder problems. Excellent depurative: acts in case of clogging, embarrassing treatment, abundance of cholesterol or in case of inappetence.


Used for quite a long time as an important remedy, plantain is nowadays quite ignored. Nevertheless, its ethics are different and the list of afflictions it can cure or alleviate is long. One of the medicinal plants that are exceptionally normal and of great scope has the right to be rediscovered, if only by a stroke of luck for the beneficial effects against extremely varied diseases of the airways or skin or urinary tract.

  • Horsetail

Horsetail can be used for its remineralizing, diuretic and calming properties. “It is perhaps the best partner of the kidneys: it acts against urinary stones, renal colic, cystitis, prostatitis,” says the naturopath. 


Soothing, expectorant and relaxing, licorice , and a fortiori its underlying foundations, effectively fights stomach problems, irritations of the respiratory system or skin infections. The logical examination of the ebb and flow will generally show that we have not yet seen its benefits, that licorice should not be devoured in portions that are too high and over a large stretch.


The meadowsweet also enlarges the vessels, tightens the heart and increases the diuresis. Its numerous properties legitimize its sign in the correction of the thinning: it acts with the renal end of the water, the retention of the difficult oedemas and helps to fight the cellulite and the fatty corpulence.


Knotweed is one of the evergreen medicinal plants found in Asia and especially in Japan. It fills many parts of Europe, which has earned it its status as one of the invasive medicinal plants that many are trying to get rid of. Yet it is among the medicinal plants that possess many properties and even enters the constitution of the Chinese pharmacopoeia. Resveratrol is a compound particle of the polyphenol family extracted from this plant and used today for its therapeutic properties (especially in naturopathy).


One of the medicinal plants known for its virtues, rhubarb contains a decent number of sprigs that, without anyone else, cover 74% of its weight. It is useful for directing intestinal movements and fighting against stoppage due to its purgative activity. Regarding the excess soluble filaments (gelatin and psyllium), they are perceived to have cholesterol-lowering properties. Note that rhubarb can be used as a vermifuge in young people and that it helps to channel the liver.


Rosemary relieves intestinal swelling and stomach torments by its spasmolytic activity on the digestive tract and stomach. Rosemary also has diuretic properties. It promotes the evacuation of water by the kidneys and thus tones up the urinary tract.


The RONCE is rich in tannins and is a brilliant enemy of viruses and bacteria. RONCE is also astringent, restorative and has vasoconstrictor properties, thus limiting nasal discharge. So many characteristics that make it extremely powerful against the small infirmities of winter.


Sarsaparilla advances the healing of psoriasis by reducing the scaling of the skin. Sarsaparilla is one of themedicinal plantsthat are also used for its fortifying and toning properties. In addition, the investigation of its creation reveals the presence of steroids whose structure is close to testosterone and progesterone, which recommends the hormonal uses of sarsaparilla. It is also used in Mexico and South America as an energizer.


Saponaria is among the relaxing and emollientmedicinal plants, it is prescribed as a skin application to soothe skin inflammation and other dermatological conditions such as skin inflammation, dermatitis, pruritus, bruising and tingling. Soapwort can also be used as a poultice to relieve lymphatic congestion.


Savory’s savory aids combat torment. Germicidal and antiviral: it eliminates body fluids in case of colds and viral and respiratory problems. Animating and oxidant hostile: it kills exhaustion and controls pressure, while reinforcing the secure framework.


One of the medicinal plants that are related to the stomach without equal, sage has various therapeutic properties, from the direction of sweat to that of monthly cycles, including sore throats, gum disease and sterilization of wounds. Its use other than culinary requires some precautions because of the solid presence of thujone in its fundamental oil.


Like other medicinal plants , Clary Sage is extremely effective in controlling female problems or those identified with menopause. It also affects skin diseases or exhaustion.


Relieving and alleviating pain, it has similar properties to ibuprofen, with a longer duration of activity and fewer side effects on the gastric mucosa. The willow calms all torments including those identified with osteoarthritis and joint pain.


Senna is a bush whose twigs and flowers are used in home-grown medicines to fight blockage problems. Incredibly purgative, senna contains dynamic fixings, for example regular anthraquinone subsidiaries, which advance the activity of intestinal vegetation when moving.


It is one of the wild medicinal plants , it decreases and expectorates mucus, calms hacks and cleanses the respiratory tract. The wild thyme is perceived for its diuretic properties. It is also useful in cases of stomach flu, stomach aches like indigestion, it also relaxes exhausted or overexcited people.


Marigold is a species of medicinal plant that not only follows the invulnerable frame, lowers fever, but also calms the aggravation of the throat, mouth, gastric and liver problems. In this way it cleans the liver, relieves gastric aggravation and premenstrual torments.


STELLAIRE is a kind of medicinal plant that is an incredible cardiovascular tonic, it strengthens and tones the myocardium and promotes blood circulation in the heart. With its soothing properties, it is effective against dermatitis, psoriasis and alleviates tingling.


Thyme is a genus of medicinal plants that soothes a wide range of respiratory pathologies: calms epileptic seizures, bronchitis, pleurisy, and others of the aspiratory circle (eg emphysema) by its spasmolytic impact.


Lime tree sapwood has been appreciated for its antispasmodic, calming and narcotic properties since antiquity. It is known for its beneficial effects on rest, stress and malaise. The flowers are used to reduce nasal discharge and lower fever in flu-like conditions. It is sometimes prescribed to calm tingling and reduce circulatory tension.


Valerian of Europe is among the medicinal plants that have been used for centuries for their calming and relaxing properties. Becoming famous in recent years, it is known for calming apprehension and nervousness and for its rest-inducing properties.


Goldenrod is among themedicinal plantsthat are usually used orally to enliven kidney and stomach related abilities and as a diuretic. It is additionally demonstrated in the aggravation and disruption of the urinary plot and in kidney stones, whose development it prevents.


The red vine is among the medicinal plants that have an extraordinary defensive activity of the veins and venules following their penetrability. It is seen as valuable in cases of heavy legs, hemorrhoids, slender skin fragility, and is interested in ending cellulite.

Don’t forget to tell us which medicinal plants you have already used and how they have helped you to improve yourf



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