4 Secrets about sulfate-free shampoos
In the past, you didn’t really care if your shampoo was sulfate-free or not. You buy a shampoo without even having to check its ingredients, the most important thing for you was to keep your hair clean. A few years ago, you were often told about sulfate-free shampoos : “they are the best”, “they are good for your hair, you should adopt them in your routine”.
In short, sulfate-free shampoos have become the trend. But do you know what sulfate is? Why you shouldn’t use it anymore? These are questions you need to know the answer to before you decide to use sulfate-free shampoos. You are on the right path, here you will find the answer to all these questions.
We all dream of having a shiny, clean, healthy hair don’t we?
The answer will surely be “YEEES”, but you don’t have to limit yourself to sulfate-free shampoos. You will tell me that you use oils in parallel, you take care of your hair, you make a massage to it but always in vain, no pleasant result that could make you satisfied.
We would like to tell you that you have skipped a crucial step which is ” to get to know your own hair “. Before adopting a routine or choosing a sulfate-free shampoo, it is essential to know the nature of your hair, what it goes with and what it does not. Because there is no one-size-fits-all solution, but there is a special way to take care of your hair according to its type and its nature and whether it is severely damaged or not.
Let us find out which hair types do exist so that you can determine yours:
Know your hair type:
Why should you know your hair type? In order to achieve successful hairstyles, to take good care of your hair and to choose the right sulfate-free shampoo, it is necessary to know your hair type. MOROCCO ORGANIC will tell you all its secrets.
Let’s start with a story, in the 90’s Andre Walker , one of the most talented stylists, who styled “Oprah Winfrey” and “Halle Barry” developed his own system to classify hair. Indeed, he created it for his line of hair care products but it quickly became popular with the public.
Andre Walker classifies nine different hair categories, and it’s time to let you discover which one is yours. The best way to do this is to first wash your hair, gently squeeze it out and then let it dry naturally, but of course that’s not enough to discover so much about your hair.
Hair categories according to Andre Walker
So according to Andre Walker’s category system, you need to know how naturally curly your hair is.
- Perfectly straight hair is type 1;
- Slightly wavy hair is type 2;
- Very curly hair with an “s” shape is type 3;
- Frizzy hair is type 4.
Each of these types is divided into three sub-categories A; B and C.
Hair 1A:
This type of hair is not thick and at the same time it is very soft and fine. Its advantage, they are characterized by naturally shiny hair.
Hair 1B:
Are thick, lots of volume at the roots.
Type 1C:
Very thick; lots of volume, but almost impossible to curl!
Hair type 2A:
Between wavy and straight. Without styling, it forms an S-shaped curl at the ends.
Type 2B hair:
Much more visible S-shaped curls; can be very curly.
2C hair:
Are simply the combination of curly and wavy hair; very curly, curls quickly, and is characterized by a lot of volume.
3A hair:
Are characterized by shine and have the ability to take any shape.
The 3B hair:
Smaller curls than the 3A
The 3C hair:
Finer than 3A and 3B, smaller curls which makes it thicker.
Hair 4A:
S-shaped curl once pulled, but they are thin, brittle and fragile.
Hair 4B:
Z-shaped or “zig-zag” curls. Like 4A, it is rather fragile.
4C hair:
Difficult to style. There is no particular curl shape which makes it unbelievable.
Why choose a sulfate-free shampoo?
After recognizing your hair type, it’s time to choose the right sulfate-free shampoo , but first of all, what is sulfate? And why exactly should you use a sulfate-free shampoo? And what could it beneficial to hair?
Sulfate is a detergent, a surfactant, foaming agents that you use everywhere for example you can find it in liquid soaps. Indeed, these surfactants are molecules composed of a lipophilic part (ie likes the lipid parts) and a hydrophilic part (ie a part which likes water).
So, the process that happens when you wash your hair with a shampoo containing sulfate is as follows: the lipophilic part sticks to our scalp and the hydrophilic part joins the product while forming micelles.
The latter are bubbles that trap the fat of your hair (lipids; sebum) and will be ejected later by rinsing. So, these bubbles attack the scalp and remove the sebum from your hair, as you know, your hair needs sebum.
Why? Simply because sebum is a substance that is naturally produced by the sebaceous glands in order to keep your hair healthy and keep its suppleness and shine, it also protects your scalp from irritation.
Protect your hair by using a sulfate-free shampoo:
The sulfate-free shampoo has several benefits for the hair, as follows:
Protects your scalp:
Sulfate-free shampoo keeps the sebum that the body produces, which rebalances the scalp and strengthens your hair. Indeed, it is suitable for all hair types. On the other hand, applying a shampoo containing sulfate will only amplify your hair’s problems.
Keeps the hair healthy:
It allows the healthy reproduction of sebum at the level of the scalp, which does not attack it, thus giving birth to healthy hair
Promotes hair growth:
The absence of sulfate ensures that your scalp is well cared for, which helps your hair grow back quickly because it will be protected and less damaged.
If you are one of these people, make sulfate-free shampoos your ally:
Of course, sulfate-free shampoos are recommended for everyone, but they should become a must for:
- People characterized by dyed or frizzy hair because they attack their scalp, as well as people with colored hair, it may strip the color.
- People who have had a Brazilian straightening, sulfate-based shampoos destroy the straightening and make it last less.
- People with dry hair or a sensitive scalp, the sulfate will dry your hair even more and make it damaged.
Our final word:
Hair is not only a part of our physical appearance, but it reflects your personality, your lifestyle, your character traits. For women as well as for men, it is a tool of seduction, a beauty accessory.
Hair is part of our body, it is the first visible thing, we can even say that it is a source of confidence and self-esteem. That is why it is necessary to take care of it and avoid stress and maintain a well-balanced diet by including foods that will help you strengthen your hair and keep it in good condition.
In fact, sulfate is not good for our hair’s health, on the contrary, it can damage the hair. Therefore, it is recommended to use sulfate-free shampoo. Take care of your hair, because it is more than just hair.
Our hair is our identity, our style, our personality, our art. Tell us in comments, what is your favorite sulfate-free shampoo?
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