Garcinia cambogia : weight loss and much more!

Part of the Clusiaceae family, garcinia is native to the forests of Southeast Asia and is known by several names: Gambooge, Brindall berry, kodumpulli, goraka, Malabar tamarind. There are 180 species of this fruit that grow in Asia, Africa and Polynesia and only 30 species that exist in India where it is used for several treatments in traditional medicine.

Garcinia is known to be a fruit mainly used for weight loss purposes.

Indeed, it has proven to be a very effective appetite suppressant . Similarly, it is known for its therapeutic properties especially in India as mentioned above where its use is very common as a food supplement .

Technically, the tree it is no longer called garcinia cambogia, it has got a new proper name: Garcinia Gummi-gutta.

Components of garcinia

Garcinia cambogia fruit on a tree fresh
Fresh garcinia cambogia fruit on a tree

Researchers have been working towards the discovery of the components of Garcinia the rare and unknown fruit in several countries. The conclusions of this research have demonstrated the following components:

  • Several amino acids including arginine, asparagine, glutamine, threonine, glycine, proline, γ-aminobutyric acid, leucine, isoleucine, ornithine, and lysine
  • Xanthones
  • Organic acids including hydroxy citric acid
  • Benzophenones including guttiferones

Among these components, the one that has most attracted and interested researchers is hydroxycitric acid, which constitutes garcinia between 10% and 30%.

This component has led to the design of Garcinia capsules and even Garcinia tablets used as an appetite suppressant or food supplement.

Garcinia: Therapeutic qualities

Garcinia contains therapeutic qualities both for weight loss but also for the protection and prevention of cardiovascular disease and many others.

The two most known benefits are as follows:

  • Weight loss

Pill bottle spilling yellow pills with a measuring tape wrapped around it
Measuring tape wrapped around a spilled bottle of weight loss pills.

The active ingredient hydroxycitric acid or HCA in fruit skins seems to block an enzyme called citrate lyase, which the body uses to make fat most of the time. It also increases levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which can decrease feelings of hunger and curb cravings.

This is the appetite suppressant effect that reduces appetite and thus prevents snacking a big plus that helps to lose weight.

More importantly, this fruit has got an impact on blood fats and the production of new fatty acids.

A Japanese study was made about the effects of Garcinia Cambogia extract on visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat that accumulates in the abdominal cavity and organs whose higher levels are known to be associated with poor outcomes.

The study lasted approximately 12 weeks, with a total of 44 participants. As a result, it was found that the viscera, subcutaneous and total fat area of ​​the Garcinia cambogia extract group were significantly reduced. This study has not shown any significant side effects.

  • The prevention of cardiovascular disease

A man pressing on his heart indicating heart pain
A man pressing down on his heart indicating heart problems or pain

By lowering the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the heart, Garcinia cambogia can be recommended as a treatment for coronary heart disease.

Long before that it is considered as a regulator thanks to its hypo-lipidemic activity, hydroxycitric acid thus allows to fight against the excess of lipids present in the blood which contributes greatly to manage possible cardiovascular diseases.

The use of this food supplement can also help to improve cholesterol levels by lowering the level of bad cholesterol to increase the level of good cholesterol. This fruit also has the ability to regulate sugar levels and thus help people with type 2 diabetes.

Less known than the other benefits of garcinia after early trials suggest that HCA can increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a key brain signaling molecule, and the lack of it is associated with many diseases, including anxiety and depression. In some cases, increasing serotonin can help people with serotonin deficiency reduce symptoms of depression.

Many health claims are made about garcinia cambogia extract. Among the conditions for which people use it are: diabetes, cancer, ulcers, diarrhea and constipation. Garcinia can also increase the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is a messenger that makes us feel good. This can improve your mood and reduce stress -related eating.

Garcinia can be involved in improving mood because the serotonin it contains affects our emotion. A higher level of serotonin improves an individual’s mood. In addition, some studies suggest that serotonin can help fight depression.

Garcinia: in what forms is it available?

This food supplement can be consumed in many forms either as fruit, juice, or condiments.

It is also available in the form of capsules, tablets, powders and liquids. These capsules should be taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes to one hour before taking meals.

One last thing to note is that the dosage varies from form to form, and conventional products generally have the highest dosage for this food.

When is it not recommended to consume garcinia?

Belly of a pregnant woman
A pregnant woman holding her baby bump

Although this dietary supplement has many benefits, it cannot be used by everyone.

That it why, it is not recommended for the following people:

  • Those taking medication for diabetes, including insulin and metformin
  • Those with liver problems
  • People with kidney problems
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers

As a general rule, you should not consume dietary supplements without consulting your doctor so that he or she can advise you on what foods and dosages to consume to avoid any side effects that could harm your health.

Now our article is coming to an end, and we look forward to seeing you in future articles.

In which we will share with you more tips on using natural and organic products that will help you improve your health and ensure your well-being.

So what are you going to use garcinia for and in what form: the fruit, the capsules or the tablets?

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