
6 Good reasons to take vitamin C everyday

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, which means it can’t be produced by our bodies. Despite this, it serves a variety of functions and has been associated to a number of health advantages

Oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, and spinach are among the fruits and vegetables that contain this vitamin. Vitamin C intake should be 75 milligrams for women and 90 milligrams for men on a daily basis. Although it is usually recommended that you get this vitamin from food, many people rely on pills to meet their need.

What is Vitamin C? 

Vitamin C is one of the safest and most efficient vitamins, according to experts. It may defend against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin aging, but it is not a cold therapy. The tolerable upper consumption range for adults is 2000 mg per day.

If you prefer to get this vitamin from food, here is a list of foods that contain it so that you can get the amount you need every day:

Vitamin C food sources

Orange sliced in half with an orange flower
Orange sliced open next to an orange flower

Red pepper, orange, lemon, grapefruit, cantaloupe, raspberry, strawberry, broccoli, tomato and other colorful raw fruits and vegetables contain the highest vitamin C content.

In general, eating at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables meets the necessary vitamin C dietary requirement. 

Warning  : Vitamin C in food can be destroyed by air, water, and heat. To preserve it in food, boil veggies as rapidly as possible with as little water as feasible (steaming, microwave or Chinese, for example).

Benefits of vitamin C 

1. Collagen Synthesis Is Stimulated by Vitamin C

This essential vitamin is required for the production of collagen , which is present in connective tissue throughout the body. According to Dr. Samuels:

“Adequate vitamin C levels are required for collagen production.”

“Collagen is the most prevalent protein in the body, and it is necessary for the connective tissues in our organs, hair, skin, and nails.”.

Collagen is referred to as the skin’s anti-aging savior by some health and beauty experts. Topically applying this essential vitamin  to the skin resulted in enhanced collagen formation and younger-looking skin, according to a study published by Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology.

2. Vitamin C and Iron Work Together to Improve Absorption

Another advantage of  this essential nutrient is its interaction with other vitamins and minerals in the body, such as iron. Iron supports normal growth and development, aids the body’s ability to circulate oxygen throughout the body, and aids the creation of certain hormones, according to the National Institutes of Health. Nonheme iron, which is found in plants, is difficult for the body to absorb, but ingesting vitamin C (and, ideally, heme iron, which is found in seafood and meat) Nonheme iron enhances absorption at the same time.

3. It has the potential to lower your risk of chronic disease.

Being an antioxidant, this vitamin can also help to boost our body’s natural defenses. Antioxidants are molecules that assist the body’s immune system function better. They do so by defending cells against dangerous chemicals known as free radicals. When free radicals build up in the body, they can cause oxidative stress, which has been related to a variety of chronic diseases.

4. It helps in the recovery of wounds and fractures

Vitamin C acts as a healing agent by assisting in the growth of collagen synthesis, which aids in the healing of wounds and fractures. It also helps numerous structures in the human body develop and operate properly, including bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, teeth, skin, and other organs.

5. It boosts the immune system’s defenses.

This vitamin also known as ascorbic acid, helps our immune system to work properly . Therefore, it is not surprising that many people use it to prevent or treat colds. It also enhances defense capabilities by assisting in the fight against various bacterial and viral diseases.

6. Helps you lose weight

Those who want to lose weight can benefit a lot from eating foods rich in vitamin C and taking it as a supplement. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes fat oxidation during exercise. In fact, people who lack this vitamin have more difficulty losing weight than people who get enough vitamins.

How can you consume Vitamin C?

There are a variety of ascorbic acid sources, but not all of them are created equal. A glass of orange juice in the morning isn’t always the best decision! The most well-known source of this essential nutrient is orange, although it isn’t the most intriguing.

  • Vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are well-known for being vitamin-dense foods and Vitamin C is found in many of them. 


Black Mulberries

Baobab powder

Sweet cherries

Camu camu powder

  • Food supplements containing vitamin C

Supplementation is another way to achieve your daily ascorbic acid requirements. Food supplements, when properly chosen, are natural ingredients that assist us achieve more dietary balance. They can be an excellent alternative for anyone who require more vitamin C , such as pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, the elderly, sports, and smokers. Taking dietary supplements is necessary in some circumstances.


  • Moringa Bio vegetable capsules
  • GPH diffusion Hyaluronic Acid
  •  Dietaroma Oleapolis Immunity
  • Herbal tea: 

If your diet lacks vitamins or has a high demand, you can drink herbal tea containing vitamin C to supplement your intake of this essential vitamin.


What about you, how do you like to take your Vitamin C? 

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